The American Architectural Foundation (AAF) is dedicated to the vibrant social, economic, and environmental future of cities. In the past decade alone, AAF has worked directly with local leaders through more than 500 city engagements. During this time, AAF has served every major metropolitan region and most second-tier cities in the United States. All told, it has provided design leadership training and technical assistance to hundreds of elected officials, public-private partnerships, education leaders, business leaders, and other key local decision makers in the design process.
These engagements are based on real-world challenges and opportunities from the participants’ cities, which provide the focus for intensive, collaborative design leadership programs. The overarching goal is to equip these leaders with the knowledge, inspiration, and resources that they need to lead their communities to transformative change through design.
To inform its efforts, AAF leverages its extensive network of city leaders and design innovators. Their collective experience and expertise is rich in depth and diversity, spanning such key sectors as building design and construction, urban planning, landscape, transportation, infrastructure, finance, and communications. Underlying all these concerns is a commitment to advancing the cause of sustainability.
The impact of AAF’s efforts is visible in the local design leadership behind hundreds of projects across the United States, ranging from brownfield remediation to waterfront redevelopment to downtown corridor revitalization.
Ron Bogle, Hon. AIA
President & CEO
Doreen Wills
Executive Assistant to the President & CEO
Director of Partner Relations
Sherry Birk
Program Specialist
Liz Blazevich
Program Director, Sustainable Cities Design Academy
Program Manager, Richard Morris Hunt Fellowship
Herb Bullock
Senior Accountant
Mark de Groh
Director of Research & Communications
Pamela Fernández
Multimedia Manager
Miryam Haarlammert
Research Assistant
Bill Harris
Vice President of Finance and Administration
Scott Lauer, AIA
Vice President of Programs
Janice Marks
Director of Development
Thom Minner
Director of Planning
Radhika Mohan
Program Manager, Mayors’ Institute on City Design
Trinity Simons
Director, Mayors’ Institute on City Design
Kevin Sullivan
Program Specialist
AAF gratefully acknowledges the support of the following partners, without whom our work would not be possible:
Chicago Architecture Foundation
Cuningham Group Architecture, P.A.
The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
McGraw-Hill Construction | Architectural Record
Thank you for your interest in employment with the American Architectural Foundation. The American Architectural Foundation is an equal employment opportunity employer.
We have the following opportunities:
Database Management and Office Associate. Find the job description and contact information here.
AAF is in the process of revising our press kit to provide you with the most current information on our organization. In the meantime, please direct all media inquiries to Mark de Groh at 202.787.1008 or [email protected].